Oh hey. Welcome to my page on the information superhighway!

Please read this first!

I like to write and am teaching myself to draw, agus tha beagan GĂ idhlig agam.

This page is a wip. I used to know html / css back in the old LJ days but girl, I've forgotten. Please be kind as I tinker with layouts!

I like fungus, seals, bunnies, mythology (currently big into arthuriana and shinto creation myths; scottish myths are my beloved though), mecha, and ffxiv!

All pages are still under construction, but:

- Fungus Ipsum -

Grow spread fruit make spores eat the dead things mmm the dead things decompose decompose gets into your walls puts out exploratory mycelium mmm yummy wall insulation uh oh you have damp runs rampant growing and spreading through your house it our house now you are a normal human in the colony you can be trusted not to spread spores.

Get the bleach get the anti-fungals it doesn't matter I've spread my spores they're everywhere you can't kill me in a way that matters i am in the air i am on your skin i am in your guts i am the network of the forest i am neither plant nor animal i am the third kingdom i am the potential solution i am a concerning cause. i grow.